Min Sheng,Chair Professor,Ph.D. Supervisor,Chair of Reactive Chemical Safety Center @ ECUST (https://rcsc.ecust.edu.cn/en/)
Registered Professional Engineer (P.E.) in Michigan State, USA. Had led the Dow Reactive Chemicals (RC) lab in Midland, Michigan (Dow global headquarter) and the DuPont explosion hazard lab (the only reactivity hazard lab in DuPont globally). This Dow RC lab invented the accelerating rate calorimeter (ARC) in the 1979, which is still one of the most popular tools for reactivity hazard evaluation of both chemical process and Lithium battery.
Contact info:
Add: Meilong Road 130, East China University of Science & Technology, 200237, Shanghai
Email: minsheng@ecust.edu.cn
Research interest:
Reactivity hazard evaluation (e.g., Lab safety, Chemical process safety), Battery thermal safety (e.g., Thermal stability of battery materials, Battery cell thermal hazard), Calorimetry application, Reaction kinetics, and Process simulations.
2007-2011:Ph.D. degree, Chemical Engineer, Auburn University, AL, USA
2000-2007:Master and Bachelor’s degree: Pharmaceutical Engineer, Tianjin University, China
Professional experiences:
2022-till now: Professor, School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, East China University of Science & Technology
2018-2022: Technical Leader, Reactive Chemicals (RC) group, DowDuPont Ag Division (Corteva)
2012-2018: RC SME (subject matter experts), Reactive Chemicals (RC) group, The Dow Chemical Company, led the RC testing lab in Midland, Michigan (Dow global headquarter)
2007: Process Engineer, China TianChen Engineering Corporation
美国材料与试验协会危险化学品组(ASTM E27)委员会委员
Committee and Broad Memberships
Committee member of ASTM E27 Hazard Potential of Chemicals
Committee member of AICHE CCPS/LPS
Committee member of AICHE DIERS
Scientific Advisor of Purdue University P2SAC safety center
Editorial Advisory Board member of ACS Chemical Health & Safety
(2)创立联合国新运输法规要求的“单体自加速聚合温度” (SAPT)的恒温热量仪测试的新方法,2015.1-2017.12,主持
(3)正在修订ASTM E537(差分扫描量热仪DSC的热安全测试标准),ASTM E1981(绝热加速量热仪ARC的热安全测试标准)和ASTM E680(爆炸品压敏测试标准),2019.10-目前,主持
Main Projects:
(1) Established the RC group for DowDuPont Ag Division, built two new RC testing labs, and trained three RC SMEs and six RC analysts, 2017.8-2022.3
(2) Developed a new isothermal calorimetric testing method to determine the monomer Self-Accelerating Polymerization Temperature (SAPT) for a new transportation regulation of The United Nations, led the team from a joint session of several industry consortia committees (Basic Acrylic Monomer Manufacturers, European Basic Acrylate Manufacturers, and Methacrylate Producers Association), 2015.1-2017.12
(3) Leading the update of ASTM E537 (Standard Test Method for The Thermal Stability of Chemicals by Differential Scanning Calorimetry), ASTM E1981 (Standard Guide for Assessing Thermal Stability of Materials by Methods of Accelerating Rate Calorimetry), and ASTM E680 (Standard Test Method for Drop Weight Impact Sensitivity of Solid-Phase Hazardous Materials), From 2019.10 to now.
代表性论文(Representative publications)
Min Sheng*, Practical Estimation Techniques of Reaction Heat, Org. Process Res. Dev. 2021, 25, 8, 1862–1872
Min Sheng*, Qiang Yang*, Darren Huff, Andrew Schafer, Craig Tucker, Daniel Valco, Thermal Instability and Associated Potential Safety Hazards of Rhodium(I) Precatalyst Complexes with weakly Coordinated Ligands, Org. Process Res. Dev., 2021, 25, 4, 1054–1064.
Min Sheng*, Daniel Valco and Craig Tucker, Heat Loss in ARC Analysis and Thermal Lag for High Self-Heat Rates, Org. Process Res. Dev., 2021, 25, 1, 108-119.
Yang, Qiang*; Sheng, Min; Yongliang Huang; Potential Safety Hazards Associated with Using N,N-Dimethylformamide in Chemical Reactions, Org. Process Res. Dev., 2020, 24, 9, 1586–1601
Qiang Yang*; Min Sheng; et al., Potential Explosion Hazards Associated with the Autocatalytic Thermal Decomposition of Dimethyl Sulfoxide and Its Mixtures, Org. Process Res. Dev., 2020, 24, 6, 916–939.
Min Sheng*, Daniel Valco, Craig Tucker, Elizabeth Cayo, Tyler Lopez, Practical Use of Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) for Thermal Stability Hazard Evaluation, Org. Process Res. Dev., 2019, 23, 10, 2200-2209.
Qiang Yang*; Min Sheng; James Henkelis; et al., Explosion Hazards of NaH in DMSO, DMF and DMAc, Org. Process Res. Dev., 2019, 23(10), 2210-2217
Min Sheng, Florin Dan, et al., Calorimetric Method To Determine Self-Accelerating Polymerization Temperature (SAPT) for Monomer Transportation Regulation: A Heat Balance Approach, Org. Process Res. Dev., 2019, 23 (5), pp 750-761
Min Sheng*, Florin Dan, et al., Calorimetric Method To Determine Self-Accelerating Polymerization Temperature (SAPT) for Monomer Transportation Regulation: Kinetics and Screening Criteria, Org. Process Res. Dev., 2019, 23 (5), pp 737-749
Min Sheng*, D Frurip, D Gorman, Reactive chemical hazards of diazonium salts, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2015, 38, 114
D. Gorman, J. Farr, R. Bellair, W. Freeman, D. Frurip, A. Hielscher, H. Johnstone, M. Linke, P. Murphy, Min Sheng, K. van Gelder, D. Viveros. Enhanced NOAA chemical reactivity worksheet for determining chemical compatibility, Process Safety Progress, 2014, 33(1), 4–18